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Sent: Thursday, January 26, 2006 12:04 AM
Subject: Fw: Western governments and Israel try their best to prevent Iran's conference on Holocaust

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Subject: Western governments and Israel try their best to prevent Iran's conference on Holocaust

Jewish Holocaust still a 'TABOO', WHY?
Comment By Hilmi Salem, PhD.
January 25, 2006

Imagine, in a great democracy like Germany, people are not allowed to read the "Mine Kamf" (My Struggle)  book of Adolf Hitler. The big question is: Why NOT ???? The Nazi era was a very important period of time that has shaped the future of Germany and the  rest of Europe and the world. Consequently, the continued suffering of the Palestinian people over  the last 60 years and counting, as well as the instability in the Middle East and beyond were and still are  very direct results of the creation of the RACIST Zionist state, called Israel, in Palestine at the expense of the Palestinian people (the indigenous population of the Holy Land) for crimes committed in Europe at the hands of Europeans, including Zionist Jews. So, in fact Europe and the West in general were/are responsible about the creation of two holocausts: 1) The Holocaust against European Jews, which has been seen by many observers, historians, analysts, scholars, etc. (from all over the world, including even some Jews) as a historic lie or as an exaggeration. On the other hand, it has been seen by many Westerners (including of course many Jews) as a justified reason of the creation of the Jewish Zionist state in Palestine; 2) The Palestinian Holocaust that has been taking place against the Palestinian people, over the last 60 years, at the hands of those European Jews (AshkeNAZIS), who consider themselves victims of the Holocaust that took place in Europe about 65 years ago. And sadly enough, the Palestinian Holocaust, which has been taking place at the hands of those AshkeNAZIS in Colonized/Occupied Palestine, has been strongly justified, supported, and backed by the WEST, with  the USA in the lead. In view of this, the question is: Why the Jewish Holocaust is still until this minute a big "TABOO" for most of the WESTERN governments and, as a result, everyone who tries to examine it (the Jewish Holocaust) is considered a criminal and thrown in the jail, as happened to many European and North American historians? For the sake of truth and justice, this question needs to be answered  by all people of conscience around the world.

On religious fundamentalism and their culture of death

By media girl, posted Sunday 22 Jan 2006, 10:45 am

There's an interesting article in this week's New York Review of
Books, written by Garry Wills about Jimmy Carter's new book, Our
Endangered Values: America's Moral Crisis, that offers some quite
sharp insights on the so-called "pro-life" movement -- something I
consider only slightly short of remarkable, given that this is
coming from a patriarchal moralist and a paternalistic liberal
journalist, two men who've not demonstrated much insight when it
comes to women's rights.

In his book, Wills writes, Carter lays into the fundamentalist
authoritarianism that's sweeping across the religious landscape, and
which took over the Southern Baptist Convention in 2000.

Such attitudes are far from the ones recommended by Jesus in the
gospels as Carter has studied and taught them through the decades,
and their proponents have brought similar attitudes into the
political world, where a matching political fundamentalism has taken
over much of the electoral process. Such dictatorial attitudes
defeat the stated goals of the fundamentalists themselves. On
abortion, for instance, Carter argues that a "pro-life" dogmatism
defeats human life and values at many turns. Carter is opposed to
abortion, as what he calls a tragedy "brought about by a combination
of human errors." But the "pro-life" forces compound rather than
reduce the errors. The most common abortions, and the most common
reasons cited for undergoing them, are caused by economic pressure
compounded by ignorance.

Yet the anti-life movement that calls itself pro-life protects
ignorance by opposing family planning, sex education, and informed
use of contraceptives, tactics that not only increase the likelihood
of abortion but tragedies like AIDS and other sexually transmitted
diseases. The rigid system of the "pro-life" movement makes poverty
harsher as well, with low minimum wages, opposition to maternity
leaves, and lack of health services and insurance. In combination,
these policies make ideal conditions for promoting abortion, as one
can see from the contrast with countries that do have sex education
and medical insurance. Carter writes:

Canadian and European young people are about equally active
sexually, but, deprived of proper sex education, American girls are
five times as likely to have a baby as French girls, seven times as
likely to have an abortion, and seventy times as likely to have
gonorrhea as girls in the Netherlands. Also, the incidence of HIV/
AIDS among American teenagers is five times that of the same age
group in Germany.... It has long been known that there are fewer
abortions in nations where prospective mothers have access to
contraceptives, the assurance that they and their babies will have
good health care, and at least enough income to meet their basic

The result of a rigid fundamentalism combined with poverty and
ignorance can be seen where the law forbids abortion:

In some predominantly Roman Catholic countries where all abortions
are illegal and few social services are available, such as Peru,
Brazil, Chile, and Colombia, the abortion rate is fifty per
thousand. According to the World Health Organization, this is the
highest ratio of unsafe abortions [in the world].

Don't tell the zealots. They don't want to hear it. More
importantly, they don't want you to hear it.

A New York Times article that came out after Carter's book appeared
further confirms what he is saying: "Four million abortions, most of
them illegal, take place in Latin America annually, the United
Nations reports, and up to 5,000 women are believed to die each year
from complications from abortions."[*] This takes place in countries
where churches and schools teach abstinence as the only form of
contraception-demonstrating conclusively the ineffectiveness of that
kind of program.

By contrast, in the United States, where abortion is legal and sex
education is broader, the abortion rate reached a twenty-four-year
low during the 1990s. Yet the ironically named "pro-life" movement
would return the United States to the condition of Chile or
Colombia. And not only that, the fundamentalists try to impose the
anti-life program in other countries by refusing foreign aid to
programs that teach family planning, safe sex, and contraceptive
knowledge. They also oppose life-saving advances through the use of
stem cell research. With friends like these, "life" is in thrall to
death. Carter finds these results neither loving (in religious
terms) nor just (in political terms).

In other words, the so-called "anti-abortion movement" in the United
States wants authoritarian political policies that emulate policies
in countries where the unsafe abortion rates are highest in the

"Pro-life"? More like a Culture of Death. A Culture of Death that
promotes the un-checked proliferation of military weapons into the
hands of criminals and terrorists....

The pro-life forces have no problem with a gun industry and capital
punishment legislation that are, in fact, provably pro-death.
Carter, a lifelong hunter, does not want to outlaw guns and he knows
that Americans would never do that. But timorous politicians,
cowering before the NRA, defeat even the most sensible limitations
on weapons useful neither for hunting nor for personal self-defense
(AK-47s, AR-15s, Uzis), even though, as Carter shows, more than
1,100 police chiefs and sheriffs told Congress that these weapons
are obstacles to law enforcement. The NRA opposed background checks
to keep guns out of the hands of criminals and terrorists and
illegals, and then insisted that background checks, if they were
imposed, had to be destroyed within twenty-four hours. The result of
such pro-death measures, Carter writes, is grimly evident: "American
children are sixteen times more likely than children in other
industrialized nations to be murdered with a gun, eleven times more
likely to commit suicide with a gun, and nine times more likely to
die from firearms accidents." Where are the friends of the fetus
when children are dying in such numbers?

A Culture of Death that fights against the power of the people
against the super-rich multi-national corporations....

It is the gap between rich and poor in the world that presents the
main threat to our future, yet American policies increase that gap,
at home and abroad. We give proportionally less money in foreign aid
than do other developed countries, and our ability to give is being
decreased by our growing deficit, incurred to reward our own wealthy
families with disproportionate tax cuts. Carter points out that much
of the aid announced or authorized never reaches its targets. This
reflects a general smugness about America's privileged position. We
are dismissive of other countries' concern with the world
environment, with nuclear containment, and with international law.

A Culture of Death that proudly crows its willingness to use torture
and bribery and nuclear weapons to push "national interests"....

We have, for example, declared our right to first use of nuclear
weapons. We have used aid money to bribe people against holding us
accountable to international law. We have run secret detention
centers where hundreds of people are held without formal charges or
legal representation. We have rewarded with high office men who,
like Alberto Gonzales, say that the Geneva Conventions on treatment
of prisoners are "obsolete" or even "quaint," or who, like John
Bolton, say that it is "a big mistake for us to grant any validity
to international law even when it may seem in our short-term
interest to do so."

The result, as Carter writes, has been to turn a vast fund of
international good will accruing to us after September 11 into fear
of and contempt for America unparalleled in modern times.

In other words, it's all of a piece -- the right's contempt for
human life, which for American citizens is so cynically packaged by
as a "Culture of Life," promotes death in America and worldwide. And
what is becoming increasingly clear is that the right's bottom line
is that they are all for promoting governmental and corporate power
at the expense of human rights and human lives.

How can a loving religion or a just state support such a culture of
death? Only a self-righteous and punitive fundamentalism, not an
ethos of the gospels, can explain this.


The Rise of Political Islam
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