Hi Joyce,

Thanks for your reply.

On Apr 13, 2010, at 7:39 PM, joyce mcintosh wrote:

> These are change notification messages to Explorer to tell it that 
> something has changed and it needs to refresh. They should occur 
> when, for example, a new file is created. Explorer requests such 
> notifications. When you shut down Explorer it stops requesting 
> these notifications and hence you stop seeing the traffic.
> Joyce

I see. Thanks for clearing this up.

But this does not explain why I get 10.000 of these requests every second, at 
the same second that I enter the share. Nothing on the server is being 
written/updated that much, and this is happening around the clock, in any 
directory on the server. The server is not that busy, and this starting 
happening from day to day.

I tried creating a "temp" folder, moving all folders and files to that folder 
in the same share. It continued to happen even after I moved all the data 
there, even though no applications or clients should be able to read/write to 

Is there any way to enable some kind of verbose debugging to see what is 
actually happening here?

kind regards,

> On 04/13/10 06:19 AM, Kasper Bræmer-Jensen wrote:
>> Hi,
>> First post here, but I've been lurking zfs-discuss the past 3 months.
>> I'm having a very strange problem with one of my CIFS shares. Other shares 
>> are working just perfectly. When I browse my share from a Windows XP (x64, 
>> latest SP and updates), i instantly see some very odd traffic that starts 
>> pretty much instantly. As soon as I close down Explorer or goes to another 
>> share, the traffic stops and everything works fine again.
>> I see around 5-10Mbit of traffic, and thousands (~10K/second) of tiny small 
>> packets are transmitted back and forth, for every workstation/client. This 
>> is generating a lot of interrupts on the fileserver, raising the load, all 
>> for no obvious reason.
>> When I first saw this happening, I thought it could be some kind of indexing 
>> thing going on, or generating some media preview of the data on the server, 
>> or similar. But after looking at packets (and considering the huge amount of 
>> packets getting transferred), I think it might be some kind of CIFS bug.
>> A quick video of what's happening is here:
>> http://kapsel.dk/asdf/strangeTraffic2.mov
>> and a dump of some of the packets, grabbed on the Windows client 
>> ( is here:
>> http://dpaste.com/hold/183223/
>> The server is an OpenSolaris (snv_133) with "zfs set sharesmb=on pool/fs" 
>> set.
>> Any ideas on what I could do about this? This started happening out of 
>> nowhere, from day to day, and it's somewhat a deal-breaker for us, for 
>> running OpenSolaris. Currently, with ~8-10 users browsing shares, I see 
>> around 100K interrupts per second on the server.
>> kind regards,
>> Kasper
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