Same thing happened again I'm sorry to say.

> This doesn't seem like anything that would be related to smbd.

Why do I suspect smdb - simply because proving access to disk via CIFS is the 
significant activity; agreed its very circumstantial.

Server hung and power off only option.
>That's unfortunate. Are there any core files in /, /root or /var/tmp or clues 
>in /var/adm/messages.*?

I've checked and there are no cores.
I've checked the messages log and all those in /var/svc/log but they don't 
point me to anything obvious.

I had a number off ssh sessions running.
A curious thing was all were unresponsive except the one running top which was 
happily chugging away and totting up usage.

TOP output starts -------------- 
last pid:  2863;  load avg:  0.00,  0.00,  0.01;  up 5+05:07:06        17:28:20
70 processes: 69 sleeping, 1 on cpu
CPU states: 99.9% idle,  0.0% user,  0.1% kernel,  0.0% iowait,  0.0% swap
Kernel: 243 ctxsw, 1 trap, 487 intr, 209 syscall, 1 flt
Memory: 4094M phys mem, 429M free mem, 2046M total swap, 2046M free swap

   570 root        3  59    0   72M   41M sleep    9:46  0.03% Xorg
  1390 gdm         1  59    0  136M   20M sleep    6:19  0.01% gdm-simple-gree
   537 root        1  59    0   12M 6148K sleep    2:10  0.01% intrd
  2183 root        1  59    0 4092K 2616K cpu/2    1:02  0.01% top
    11 root       18  59    0   13M   12M sleep    0:12  0.00% svc.configd
   461 root      426  59    0   21M   14M sleep   18.6H  0.00% smbd
  1384 gdm         2  59    0   98M   37M sleep    1:29  0.00% gnome-settings-
   214 root       56  59    0   12M 5056K sleep    0:12  0.00% nscd
   759 it019       1  59    0   16M 5820K sleep    0:15  0.00% sshd
   400 daemon     22  59    0   21M   11M sleep    0:25  0.00% idmapd
   626 root        1  59    0 6436K 2104K sleep    0:08  0.00% sendmail
   168 root        6  59    0   17M 6020K sleep    0:10  0.00% devfsadm
   479 noaccess    1  59    0 2620K 1524K sleep    0:04  0.00% mdnsd
   477 root       20  59    0   30M   14M sleep    0:33  0.00% fmd
   436 root        4  59    0 9512K 8040K sleep    0:08  0.00% hald
   550 root        1  59    0 3464K 1964K sleep    0:06  0.00% hald-addon-acpi
     9 root       14  59    0   18M   10M sleep    0:05  0.00% svc.startd
last pid:  2863;  load avg:  0.00,  0.00,  0.00;  up 5+05:11:36                 
TOP output ends --------------

I've configured the system to send to a syslog server to assist in determining 
a sequence. As far as I can tell, all was well until 16:16:22 on 10/05/2010.

Up until that time a daemon.debug dialogue is logged between the server, DNS 
and AD whereby DNS is queried (Found _ldap_tcp...),
time synch'd with a AD server (it alternates between which one it chooses) and 
a reference logged each to
smbrdr_ntcreatex: 14 \srvsvc and SmbRdrNtCreate: fid=6 (a new fid appears to be 
created at each invocation up to a max of 49152).

This dialogue happens approx every 10 minutes.

After this time, two new entries appear at the same time - smbrdr_ntcreatex: 18 
\netlogon and thereafter, no DNS activity is logged and the fid for the 
SmbRdrNtCreate seems to jump from 6 when the issues appears 
to have occurred to 16386 within 90 minutes.

Any assistance would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance. Michael.
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