sharectl set -p pdc=<preferred-dc> smb

Replace <preferred-dc> with something appropriate for your domain.


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: [cifs-discuss] How to specify primary and secondary DC for handling failovers?
Date: Thu, 09 Sep 2010 12:27:46 PDT
From: Rob Nelson <>

Is there a way to do the opposite here?

That is, is there a way to force smb/server to talk with one and only one domain controller and not negotiate which domain controller to chat with?

If you have a site with many DCs. Some W2k3 and some W2k8. Having to make modes on every W2k8 is a PITA. (i.e.NTLMv2 authentication changes ) The ability to force the smb/server, to talk to just one of the W2k3 boxes would be real helpful.

Is it possible?  Or is there another way to look at this issue?


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