On Mon, Jul 18, 2011 at 8:25 PM, Jordan Brown <jordan.br...@oracle.com> wrote:
>> So you give the customer a hook for this, and let them do what they
>> have to to update NIS (or LDAP, or whatever).
> Possibly, but mostly I consider the "let the customer cobble together their
> own solution" to be an answer for the 1980s, not for the 2000s.

Uh, well, many organizations have legacy going back a long time.  They
tend to build and integrate parts of their infrastructure on their
own, so I suppose you could say you don't want their business.  But I
suggest that when you can give people hooks that allow them enough
freedom to use your product, you win.  The trick is to find the right

Just to be clear: I'm not advocating this particular solution.  I
don't think you should care very much about workgroup mode with
NIS/LDAP.  I'm answering only your point about customization.

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