The "gang modes" (to include DAW-like audio channel mash) is very minimally
tested and some improvements have already been suggested and are planned
for next month.  Andrea has converted from pdf to latex and added to the
manual with some quite helpful images in section 5.2.1.

As usual, if you have problems, please report them and remember you can
always back out to last month's build in old_pkgs or old_tars directory.  A
copy of the release notes, also available on the website is below.


*Cinelerra-GG (Version Infinity)  Release Notes for 06/01/2020-06/30/2020
for builds*
Cinelerra’s *youtube channel* can be accessed from the website *as set up
by Sam*.  The link is under
   the Support header -
An update for the* Italian wikipedia by MatN and Andrea *is now live.
The *Elive distro by Thanatermesis* has been routinely including Cinelerra
for years and so Sam
    has added a link as a choice for users (BT# 453).

1. Add master/armed_gang track *operations for closer to DAW-like editing*.
A method has been
    implemented to treat multiple audio channels as one so that the edits
made to the master channel are
    automatically duplicated for each channel (BT 433 / Glen of AVLinux).
For usage details refer to
    the updated manual on the website, section 5.2.1.  This feature is not
limited to this purpose as more
    usage scenarios are likely to be quite useful and additionally free up
monitor display space.
2. *IMPORTANT - Changed Behavior*:
    A minor change to “move up” and “move down” tracks was implemented to
correct what was an
      exchange on the top track or bottom track instead of a move.
3. *Usability Improvements*:
    The *Perspective *plugin has added visible 1-4 numbers on each of the 4
points for ease of use and the
       number of the point is shown next to the X box in the menu (MatN
request, BT #443).
    The *Rotate plugin* has been modernized with improvements by a
    A minimum Speed auto value is now used for the update instead of the
zero value causing problem.
    FFmpeg will show a “seek retry limit message” for information purposes.
    An easy method to reopen a closed mini-viewer mixer is now in the
Window pulldown which
      displays each of the media that occupied a mini-viewer window.
    Minor improvement in Settings→Preferences, Appearance tab to better
accommodate languages and
        for aesthetics (MatN contribution).
    The Spanish translations have been improved some more (RafaMar) and
minor RU/FR (by MatN).
    Setting and changing Audio or Video track height has been slightly
modified and Shift-rmb resets to
       the original configuration default.
4. *Bugs/Issues fixed:*
    A patch for the commercials feature was generated and applied
(contributed by mehw BT#458).
    The “clear frame” was not working in Tracer as a result of background
color, but now fixed.
    Keyframe Spanning was not working for Sketcher, Tracer, and CriKey due
to their unique multiple
       points/curves setup.  This was quite a difficult/involved fix
(RafaMar BT #441).
    Rework of the plugin presets was completed plus Text was changed to
Data for spanning keyframes.
    Some additional code cleanup was performed as usual.
    Embedded object fix – looking for open delimiter followed by closing
delimiter.    Deadlock fix by opening files one at a time.
    Fixed hang caused by an extra lock (Andrew found).
    Reset caches were crashing on vicon drawing, but this has been
corrected (Andrew diagnosed).
    SEGV for reset cache fixed as found (in dmp file provided by Skinkie).
    Vicon checkout fix + fixed vicon video/cache errors + address delays
created by vicon drawings.
    Cache checkout tweak to remove_all/delete_oldest rework.
    Extract name Valgrind bug fix.
    Fixed some show window deadlocks and X10 remote control memory error.
    An old bug just found, where removing a shared plugin worked
incorrectly, is now fixed.
    Collect proxy/nested clips fixes (BT #427 by IgorBeg).
    A new environment variable, BC_TRACE_XERROR will dump the stack on this
type of error, thus
      aiding in analyzing any of these types of crashes.
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