There is "supposed" to be only 1 change which was to NOT exchange the first
and last track when executing "move up" or "move down".  I made a note in
BT #469 and am trying to understand what the underlying issue is.  More

On Wed, Jul 1, 2020 at 1:02 AM Igor BEGHETTO <igor...@visi1.org> wrote:

> 2. *IMPORTANT - Changed Behavior*:
>     A minor change to “move up” and “move down” tracks was implemented to
> correct what was an exchange on the top track or bottom track instead of a
> move.
> What???
> I didn't understand. Are You saying that the new behaviour to rearrange
> the tracks by Menu
> - Tracks-> MoveTracksUp (Shift+Up)
> - Tracks-> MoveTracksDown (Shift+Down)
> and its shortcuts is right now?
> I really hope is it a bug (see MantisBT #469) because for me it has no
> sense the new behaviour.
> Now,  that behaviour turn the tracks as in a wheel. And It is wrong
> because you can not rearrange the tracks exactly as you want. It has no
> sense.
> The right way was what you can see in the video
> http://www.visi1.org/cinelerra-gg_tutorials#ReArrangeTracksOrder
> and you can test with the Cin_20200531 release.
> Until the Cin_20200531 release it worked perfectly.
> Cinelerra-HV and Cinelerra-CV work as before in Cinelerra-gg.
> By Cinelerra-CV manual:
> 7.6 Manipulating tracks. Move tracks up and Move tracks down shift all the
> armed tracks up or down the stack.
> I really hope You (developers) and Users like Sam, Pierre, Andrea_paz,
> Andrew, MatN, AVLinux, RafaMar, and so on, think like me.
> I can not work with the last (wrong) behaviour of Cinelerra-gg_20200630.
> Thanks!
> IgorBeg
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