Rafa, don't worry about expressing your thoughts directly. We are all Linux users here, which means that we all like direct communication.

11.01.2021 18:30, Rafa Mar Multimedia en Gnu\Linux via Cin пишет:
Thank you very much Ugin for commenting on your experience... I had never
looked at Cinelerra's batch render window. I go looking at tools, I test
them, and then I try to write a tutorial on it to help hobbyists looking
for a good tool.
And your query caught my attention and I decided to take a look at the
batch render assistant... the first thing I saw about this wizard is that
it is not very intuitive, and the second my blood ran cold when I saw that
it had a function that could destroy an entire project with a single click,
and then another option that is linked to the aforementioned function,
which is also misleading.
I totally agree with you that these options without any practical sense, as
much as Igor tries to convince us otherwise, that they can frustrate the
user experience. Nobody likes to lose their job. And I find it difficult to
recommend an editor that in a click given by mistake, this happens to us
every day when we work with computers, lose all their work without going
And I'm sorry to repeat myself, but when a professional needs two versions
of the same project to do tests, he does not go to the batch render window
to play his project, he simply makes a save as and that's it, and then
loads these files in the batch render.
I always say what I think, this creates enemies, and I am delighted with
this, because normally these enemies are very egocentric people who cling
to their ego without attending to reasons, and I am not like that, if I am
wrong and they tell me, I even give thanks, and it's people like that that
I like to surround myself with. If Igor is wrong with the fact that his
working method is not practical and he likes to have an application that a
wrong click can make you lose your job, which can be an hour or months...
well there he, but I take the right to politely tell you that your proposal
lacks all logic and is impractical or labor-saving, on the contrary, makes
the batch render wizard a tool to avoid.
Sorry for my long expositions, maybe I shouldn't write more about this
topic because I have already said what I think many times.

El lun, 11 ene 2021 a las 13:30, preobraz--- via Cin (<
cin@lists.cinelerra-gg.org>) escribió:

Since I was mentioned in this thread, I will say that during the batch
rendering tests, 4 files were deleted from me. Then I did not know the
reasons for deleting them, and before experiments I always try to make
backups, but for someone this behavior can ruin the whole wonderful
impression of Cinelerra-GG.

10.01.2021 21:10, Rafa Mar Multimedia en Gnu\Linux via Cin пишет:
At no point did I say that the batch rendering function should be
It was precisely Ugin's query that made me take a look at the Batch
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