For my tests, it seems that the main problem is the script to
associate all the clients with one command. Doing the associations one
at a time works for me. Is it possible to create a generally valid
script to replace the one mentioned in the manual?

Both the built CinGG and the AppImage WORKS for me. For the latter,
perhaps because something was left in memory, I had to kill some
instances of cin indicated by the command "ps -ef | grep cin".

I noticed a few things:
1- AppImage reloads calf plugins every time; associating clients
extends the loading time to about 25s per client. It is advisable to
disable calfs momentarily when we want to do a Render Farm (unless
they are used in the project, of course).
2- If there are labels in the project to be rendered it may happen
(rarely) that they are taken as render points even if they are not
set. In this case it is advisable to use the In/Out Points for the
whole timeline and use them as render option instead of "Whole
3- Every time you close the client instances, if you want to redo the
render farm, you have to repeat the associations. It is probable that
we need to clean the memory from the cin processes to make it work
again. You can see the processes with "ps" and then you have to kill
them one by one. Now the association of the clients works without

Some information about my tests:
Rendering a 16 minute file (consisting of edits of Big Buck Bunny at
1080p in h264 and Tears of Steel at 1080p in VP8; CPU: 8c/16t: RAM
32GB) is rendered in:

Render Farm:     12.11 min and 47.722 fps (All threads at 100%; RAM ~10GB)
No Render Farm:  35 min and 7 fps (All Threads ~30%)
RF con AppImage: 12.07 min and 41.563 fps (All Threads at 100%; RAM ~10GB)

Now it remains to understand how RenderMux works because, for now, I
use ffmpeg to merge the various files obtained.
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