Den 30.05.2023 15:19, skrev Terje J. Hanssen:
Interlaced and/or Deinterlaced continued:
- I'll add a good reference and some old background threads:

What is deinterlacing? The best method to deinterlace movies

[CinCV TNG] Deinterlacing or not?

[CinCVS] Interlacing, DVD

Den 30.05.2023 03:34, skrev Terje J. Hanssen:

Den 29.05.2023 22:47, skrev Phyllis Smith:
More feedback to add to Andrew's reply.

Using Deinterlace creates a dvd.mpg file only marginally larger than without deinterlacing. But the result is visually better than without deinterlacing, which is awful jagged at camera movements zoom/pan, at least on my 2560x1440 res monitor using VLC.
I do not understand the above sentence.  Which result is better? with deinterlacing or without deinterlacing? So Progressive is better? which makes more sense to me in this day and age.  As far as I read on the internet, DVDs can be either Progressive or Interlaced.

Leaving it dvd rendering interlaced is worst jagged; selecting deinterlaced is better both with default mpeg2enc ("TFF, interlaced") and optional FFMpeg (progressive). Some of the jagged edges and lines is expected to be caused by the scaled up low vertical SD wide resolution. I didn't notice visible +/- chroma difference by selecting "use yuv420p dvd deinterlace format"

I will try to compare with DeVeDe's deinterlace YADIF filter and two pass rendering.
(DeVeDe's second FFMPEG deinterlace filter exited the dvd rendering.)

In comparision with Cin rendering, the DeVeDe dual pass with YADIF deinterlacing did compress the movie_0.mpg more and it was verified as progressive. All progressive dvd video qualities were visual comparable.

    du -sh dvd-wide-*/*.mpg dvd-wide-*/*/movie*.mpg
    598M dvd-wide-dv01_20230526-225332/dvd.mpg
    598M dvd-wide-dv01-ffmpeg_20230527-000911/dvd.mpg
    380M dvd-wide-dv01-dualpass-yadif/movies/movie_0.mpg

    mediainfo dvd-wide-*/*.mpg dvd-wide-*/*/movie*.mpg | grep Scan
    Scan type : Progressive
    Scan type : Progressive
    Scan type : Progressive

Regarding Dvd Interlaced Chroma:
Possibly PAL dv 4.2.0 is more pleasant for MPEG-2/DVD 4.2.0 than NTSC dv 4:1:1 (?

Add also two references to the latter:

CinCV manual: Notes on mpeg video encoding (mpeg2enc)

Frank's thougt on HDV: Comments on transcoding from DV25 to MPEG-2 for DVD-Video

The latter is also a valuable recource to several, now legacy HDV camcorders (my Sony HDR-FX7E included)

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