Herman Robak wrote:
> To the new readers here: There is a wiki page with a collection of
> suggested usability enhancements for Cinelerra, here:
> http://lab.dyne.org/cinelerra/Usability

Wow, i didnt know about it :)

> One of my pet peeves is that users shouldn't be expected to care
> about settings for which there is a 99% safe default.
> YUV, YUVA, RGB, RGBA or floating point presision color format?
> My guess is that 90% of the users ought to use YUVA, so let that
> be the default.
> Is the difference in memory footprint between YUV and YUVA so big
> that it warrants a setting?  I'm not sure.

should need 25% more memory and alpha is taken in account when mixing
with all 3 other channels together. I am not sure but I won't wonder if
there is a big performance hit sometimes.

> PAL, NTSC or anything else?  Firstly, that should depend on what
> the user loads upon startup.  If it's a PAL video, setting the
> project resolution to PAL is a fairly safe bet, in my opinion.
> If it's 1080i HDV, set the project to 1440x1080.
> I also think the default should be either PAL or NTSC, depending
> on the user's locale.  If you're in Europe, you're most likely
> to deal with PAL, for example.

I dont like too much automagic things. How about have a 'unconfigured'
state where creating tracks/putting things to the timelime are greyed
out (only add to resources when loading?) and one has to 'setup project'
first (with a big reminder "Setup Project First!" in the statusbar).
Thats common in a lot other applications. Ymmv since this disables some
functionality at start, but gives the user a hint about the needed
preparations. Then 'Setup Project' may default to the a format choosen
by loaded resources, locale. As I see on irc, editiong just pal/ntsc is
 not the most common case anymore, many people rather decide computer
screencasts, youtube, etc. formats.

> Interlacing... That's so involved that it belongs in an essay
> of its own!  Cinelerra must know more about interlacing, so
> that the users can get by without know anything about it.
Ack, but maybe hardly doable for Cin2.

> Aspect ratio.  There is not really any setting in Cinelerra
> for that.  There's a project setting labelled "aspect ratio",
> but that's the _display_ aspect ratio.  And it's _global_,
> which is just wrong!  Because the aspect ratio can differ
> between sources, so if you mix sources (16:9 and 4:3, for
> example) Cinelerra will not try to Do The Right Thing.
>  We may keep the global Aspect Ratio setting, but that would
> only be a _render_ setting, i.e. "render to 16:9".  A missing
> setting/property is the "pixel ratio".  If Cinelerra knew the
> pixel ratio for every resource, it could calculate and perform
> the appropriate stretching and cropping/padding, without user
> intervention.
>  Pixel and aspect ratios are often not quite what we think
> they are, as explained here:
> http://www.bbc.co.uk/commissioning/tvbranding/picturesize.shtml
ack2, as above


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