I'm sorry, I had skimmed your post and some of the replies and thought you were looking for a tutorial. I need to keep my mouth shut when I don't know what I am talking about. Sorry, Doug

On 05/17/2010 04:34 PM, musifx wrote:
I think your guide is great initiative and thanks you for your clear, concise pointers. To be honest, I'm a bit puzzled as to why people are trying dissuade you from continuing. ???

Your guide is relevant to BOTH the Heroine Warrior and the cinelerra-cv versions. A fact that seems to be overlooked. I don't see how it is possible to weave it in with the cinelerra-cv docs without removing sections specific to the HW version. As I use both versions on occasion for different reasons, it would greatly reduce the usefulness of your guide in my opinion. As to it not being noticed, perhaps a link from the cinelerra.org site would suffice.

You have obviously put some thought and effort into this and, as I said, I think its great so far. I've bookmarked you site and look forward to future chapters. Please continue!

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