> I would record the video using Cheese, then use Cinelerra to edit it.

Thanks Gord; that's almost certainly what I'll actually end up doing :-)

I just like to learn by doing, and I want to become proficient with
Cinelerra... I suppose the editing task is more significant than the
recording though, and I've learned a lot just trying to make it work!


> Mike
> you could use vloopback as well.
> It's part of "motion"
> http://www.lavrsen.dk/twiki/bin/view/Motion/VideoFourLinuxLoopbackDevice
> cheers
> E

E, this is a great tip!!! Thanks, I'll check it out!

PS: I've finally remembered to set my message to plain text. Sorry about
that... I used to be "religious" about the issue, but have slowly been
"assimilated" into the "HTML collective" over the last couple of

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