Hi Oliver,

Oliver Boehmer (oboehmer) schrieb:
> I think next-hop-mismatch means that BGP wasn't able to install the prefix in 
> the RIB as there is already a non-BGP route, and didn't advertise it because 
> the BGP next-hop doesn't match this route's next-hop.
> What does "show ip bgp rib-failure" say? Which version are you running on 
> this box?
I have a 7204 VXR with 12.4(17).
The "show ip bgp rib-failure" shows two entries, but these
entries have nothing to do with that prefix. Furthermore those
two entries have the failure code "Higher admin distance".

I do not have any other routes for that prefix, whether a staic nor
learned through another protocoll.


Ahmad Cheikh-Moussa

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