Hi Charles,

This is currently resolved in 11.0(1) only. Since we're still prior to FCS for 
11.0, we haven't populated the 'Fixed Releases' Bug Search Tool field yet. We 
will populate this with the FCS version of 11.0 when we know what specific 
build / version that will be :)

Thank you,

Ryan LaFountain
Unified Contact Center
Cisco Services
Direct: +1 919 392 9898
Hours: M - F 9:00am - 5:00pm Eastern Time

From: "Wes Sisk (wsisk)"
Date: Tuesday, July 28, 2015 at 12:32 PM
To: Charles Goldsmith, Ryan LaFountain
Cc: voip puck
Subject: Re: [cisco-voip] glibc/ghost vulnerability

The update that happened on the 20th was an internal system update. Basically a 
change happened on a case that was linked to the bug. This tickled the 
‘last-update’ date of the bug.

As far as fixed versions - I’ll look to Ryan on how/when UCCX populates 
Integrated-releases field.


On Jul 27, 2015, at 9:39 AM, Charles Goldsmith 
<wo...@justfamily.org<mailto:wo...@justfamily.org>> wrote:

Ryan/Wes, one last followup question, 
https://tools.cisco.com/bugsearch/bug/CSCus68524 shows that it was updated on 
the 20th, but I don't see a change, other than it may say fixed now (don't 
remember before), but it does not show what changed.

Also, of note, since it does say it's fixed, there are 0 fixed versions out.  
Can we get some clarification on it?


On Fri, Jul 10, 2015 at 5:57 PM, Ryan LaFountain (rlafount) 
<rlafo...@cisco.com<mailto:rlafo...@cisco.com>> wrote:
To add to what Wes said:

If you have other UCC products that run on VOS (Finesse, SocialMiner, 
MediaSense, CUIC) you'll see further differences between underlying VOS 
versions between them, UCCX and CUCM. This causes not only a lot of confusion 
in tracking bug fixes in the platform between products but delay in integrating 
fixes like these as Wes has described below.

We are working to address this. The first part is in better tracking of bug 
fixes and security issues in the platform and between products. The second part 
is moving to a common underlying platform version and build process for most 
UCC products. This will greatly speed up our fix inclusion and standardize the 
underlying VOS version in many of our applications leading to greater 
consistency and stability. Without exposing too much more, we should see this 
common VOS in UCC system release 11.0.


Thank you,

Ryan LaFountain
Unified Contact Center
Cisco Services
Direct: +1 919 392 9898<tel:%2B1%20919%20392%209898>
Hours: M - F 9:00am - 5:00pm Eastern Time

From: cisco-voip on behalf of Charles Goldsmith
Date: Friday, July 10, 2015 at 5:21 PM
To: "Wes Sisk (wsisk)"
Cc: voip puck
Subject: Re: [cisco-voip] glibc/ghost vulnerability

Gotcha, thanks for the explanation Wes, that's what I was looking for and can 
explain it to the customer.  I'll let the customer know of the risks and let 
them make the decision to upgrade or wait for a minor patch.


On Fri, Jul 10, 2015 at 1:58 PM, Wes Sisk (wsisk) 
<ws...@cisco.com<mailto:ws...@cisco.com>> wrote:
I’ll lead off with: UCCX does a fair amount of work to customize the VOS 
platform to their needs. As such they don’t pull in updates and fixes as fast 
as UCM, UC, and CUP.

I bet if you check the kernel or RHEL version you will find significant 
difference and that contributes to the complexity of the fix.
admin:show packages active kernel
Active Side Package(s): for kernel package(s)

RyanL may weigh in with better details.


On Jul 10, 2015, at 11:41 AM, Charles Goldsmith 
<wo...@justfamily.org<mailto:wo...@justfamily.org>> wrote:

I understand that CUCM and UCCX are both VOS, and that it's probably not the 
same version, but I don't understand why the platform team for CUCM can give us 
a minor patch but we can't get the same out of UCCX.

I'm sure most of you are like me, and steer clear of .0 releases.  There is an 
old saying, dot Oh, oh no.

I'm not comfortable advising a customer to upgrade to the 11.0 release.

Would like thoughts on this, and some explanation of the differences of the VOS 
between CUCM/CUC and UCCX.

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