So, I've been trying to make this less of a problem by encouraging the creation 
of functional lines and mailboxes, or call coverage (hunt/distro) to keep user 
mailboxes away from needing to be "checked" or handled by individuals. That 
doesn't work in all cases, but, by having something more generic you can steer 
away from user privacy issues as well by having PINs being shared.

9/10 times the customer wants someone to cover their extension for them. I have 
a prefix which can pin the call back off an ISR and into the system, so you're 
essentially forwarding it off system and back in. It can mess with other things 
to do that, but, it works for the handful of customers who need this done on a 
temporary basis just fine.

If someone has vacated a position I go with alt ext/translations or something 
to essentially tear down the station until a person is back, or offer to set 
the greeting not to take a message and have whomever record something that they 
should call some other number or update their contacts. 

Somewhat annoying not because it is impossible, but because you have to build 
artifacts to accomplish it and then find those later.


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