I was configuring some new stuff for a customer recently, and as I was
making test calls, I noticed the 7800/8800 series phones were not showing
the Hunt Pilot Alerting Name like I'm used to.

I found a defect (CSCvn39109
<https://bst.cloudapps.cisco.com/bugsearch/bug/CSCvn39109>) which basically
says that CUCM 11.5(1)SU5+ was updated to change the way it presents the
Hunt Pilot name to the phone, and the phone firmware has not been updated
to parse it.

I implemented a SIP Normalization script on the SIP Profile applied to the
phones, which rolls back the format to pre- CUCM 11.5(1)SU5.

That Lua script looks like this:

M = {}

local function hunt_uri_rollback(msg)

    local old_call_info = msg:getHeader("Call-Info")

    local new_call_info = string.gsub(old_call_info,
"huntpiloturi=\"%%22(.*)%%22(.*)\";", "huntpiloturi=\"%1\"%2;")

    msg:modifyHeader("Call-Info", new_call_info)


M.outbound_INVITE = hunt_uri_rollback

M.outbound_UPDATE = hunt_uri_rollback

return M

Again, you apply it to a SIP Profile, which you then apply to the phone.
Then restart the phone.

The Pre-Lua script Call-Info header looks like this:

Call-Info: <urn:x-cisco-remotecc:callinfo>; security= Unknown; orientation=
from; gci= 4-166949; *huntpiloturi="%22Your Hunt Pilot
Name%22<sip:\+16125551212@ <16125551212@>>";* isVoip;
call-instance= 1

The Post-Lua script Call-Info header looks like this:

Call-Info: <urn:x-cisco-remotecc:callinfo>; security= Unknown; orientation=
from; gci= 4-166949; *huntpiloturi="Your Hunt Pilot
Name"<sip:\+16125551212@ <16125551212@>>;* isVoip;
call-instance= 1

Seeing the alerting name on the phone is a really useful feature in my
opinion, and so I hope this helps you out until Cisco fixes this with a
software patch.

PS Make sure you have the CM Advanced Service Parameter set to True
(default): Display Hunt Pilot Name or DN for Hunt Group Calls When Alerting.
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