is the address of the R2 interface pointing at R3.  They are
all serial interfaces.  All of the Lo addresses (RIDs) are advertised in
ospf.  I swear I don't know what happened.  I just this minute reinstituted
the configuration that failed me all afternoon.  It just spat out the error
message above about ten times in a minute and stopped.  Now everything seems
to work fine.  I have routes where they should be.  I know I rebooted all of
the routers twice this afternoon to try to make sure that it wasn't a
hiccup.  I even reconfigured a 4000M to replace the mc3810 at R2 - no
avail.  When you said to check the "show" outputs, I thought I'd go check it
one more time to see if there was anything I hadn't noticed earlier and
everything worked.  Frustrating sometimes.  At least it's not MS.

Thanks for writing.  Sometimes I think the boxes just need more attention
than my cussin' at 'em.  You gave it.  Leaves me feeling like a right eejit,
but it's working now.  That's what's required.  Nelson

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