Let's say Router A and D both have a subnet that in scenario 1 was shared.
After changing it, to the second scenario, would the subnet need to be
divided into two? i.e. originally before and & afterward?

-----Original Message-----
From: Andy Walden [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, December 12, 2000 9:41 AM
To: Fowler, Joey
Subject: Re: Routing Scenario...

Are the connections to two different providers? Assuming they are and you
are recieving two different sets of routes, you could run an IBGP session
between the two routers so they could share routes for outgoing
traffic. As far as incoming, you will need to study the traffic patterns
to the two different providers then tweak it with aspath prepends and
route filtering.


On Tue, 12 Dec 2000, Fowler, Joey wrote:

> Let's say we have the following:
> Internet---A---|
>                    |<- Ethernet Same subnet - two paths from the Internet
> Internet--D----|
> And a person wanted to change it to the following:
> Internet---A---B
>                     |
> Internet---D---C
> The links between each router above is a T1. 
> A and D both have an Ethernet connection coming off of them.
> Here is my question. On the first graph with A and D connected you can run
> BGP so that any traffic is shared on each router. Is there now a way to
> that between A and D so that they both receive any info destined for that
> subnet? I don't see any way there could be, but I also am still learning
> about BGP. If this isn't possible would it make sense to subnet the
> available network address that A and D currently share and route traffic
> between the two of them?
> Thanks,
> Joey Fowler
> We are told that talent creates its own opportunities. But it sometimes
> seems that intense desire creates not only its own opportunities, but its
> own talents.
> - Eric Hoffer (1902-1983 American Author & Philosopher)
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