By default, most OS's will keep the sockets open. When you created a socket,
you can include the SO_KEEPALIVE option. This will keep the socket open for
tcp_keepalive_interval  value of the OS, the defult is 2 hours on microsoft
and Solaris sysems. If you do not use this socket options they will stay
open forever theoretically unless the OS does some type of housekeeping that
closes old/stale file descriptors or something similiar since a socket is
simply a file descriptor. This keepalive in the OS is configurable through
ndd command in solaris or through the registry in Windows.

Thanks everyone for the info.

""sam sneed""  wrote in message
> Lets say we have host  A and host B Host B is a
> server listening on port 3055. Host A connects to the server B and sends
> data.  Now neither host A or B send anything to each other for 1 hour. Is
> the connection still there? Is there a timeout for the connection? I do
> see anything in the RFC's about keepalives for TCP connections, so how
> Host B know the difference between host A not sneding data for a long time
> or host A crashes?
> If I unplug the power on host A while the TCP connection is up and leave
> unplugged for a week and will the server still have the the connection in
> its tables when I do a netstat -an? I doubt it, so I figure the server
> have its own timeout on idle connections?
> Anyone known any real values for these timeouts for various OS's?
> Thanks.

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