I want to emphasize to everyone that Dan Nessett has retired from this, payment making no difference, and we should all stop sending him emails; I think Anthony hadn't got that message before he sent this email out. Dan provided us a great service in the past but we need to stop bothering him about doing more now. As to my talking with Greg, those details are different than stated here, and confidential, and are not meant to be part of public discourse. I am also separately trying to make available a week of time plus in my own schedule soon to perform this migration myself, should I still end up needing to do it. But yes, in the meantime I am personally paying the full $320/month cost of the old servers starting with October so the regular donors don't have their money wasted from my delays, and they're only responsible for the $100 new server as if the migration had already been done in September. -- Darren Duncan

On 2013.12.30 2:21 PM, Anthony Sebastian wrote:
Dear colleagues,

Darren Duncan, our user who volunteered to develop a plan for less expensive
hosting for Citizendium, from $320 to $100 per month, developed the plan and
initiated the process of switching from our current three server configuration
to a one server configuration. We continue operating on the $320 three server
configuration. Darren is having a hard time finding time to actually migrate the
wiki, test wiki and forum software to the one server configuration.

In the meantime he has generously offered to cover the $320 per month cost for
us to continue to stay online, so that we only have to receive donations
totalling $100 per month. He has also generously offered both Dan Nessett and
Greg Mullane $1000 if they would migrate the software. We await their response.

If any of you have the ability, time, and confidence to migrate the software,
please let Darren or me know.

See: http://en.citizendium.org/wiki/CZ:Proposal_for_cost-reducing_hosting_plan

The two configurations—3-server, 1-server—are with the same host, our 
host, Steadfast Networks.

We remain hopeful.

Anthony Sebastian

Citizendium Managing Editor


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