On Tuesday 10 August 2010 19:13:48, Kevin Smith wrote:
> Has anyone used cl-opengl inside a standard X-window based drawing widget
> (one that supports simple refresh and input event call backs ) ?
> I am interested in bypassing GLUT (which I currently use)  and using
> another lisp-based toolkit, potentially mcclim.  I would like to continue
> using cl-opengl, though because I like it's interface.
> I am assuming that if I have a low-level window , I can create an OpenGL
> context for it and the cl-opengl binding would just work.


I've used cl-opengl with cl-gtk2-gtkglext which is a binding to GtkGlExt 
library. GtkGlExt provides Gtk+ widget that is painted with opengl calls 
(https://clgtk2.wordpress.com/2009/08/29/gtkglext-binding/). Window is painted 
inside 'expose-event' handler with cl-opengl calls, input handling is done by 
usual Gtk+ events ('motion-notify', 'button-press-event', 'key-press-event' 
etc.). cl-gtk2 works on Linux and Windows with SBCL and Clozure CL.

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