
I by accident entered in the archive of clamav-devel
and found a message called "New phishing detection
algorithm in cvs version of clamav" which I thinked it
much intersting, so I solved to subscribe to this
mail-list to solve some doubts, if you can clear if
for me. :)

This module to detect Phishing attacks are basic based
in normalization of url's correct?

1) This module work in windows or linux? or both?

2) This module analyze the thread when they are
received in the mua (firebird, outlook, etc) or
browser (Firefox, IE, etc)?

3) If in mua, what are supported? Firebird? Outlook

4) If in browser, what are supported? Firefox? IE?

5) In some parts of document are used the words
"realurl" and "displayurl", what do you want mean with
that? What kind of discrepanced are compared to find a
real or displayed (fake) url?

Thank you and sorry for dumb questions,

OBS: Török Edvin the idea of a anti phishing is very
good, and the tests made by Ian Castle are very
intersting too.


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