On Thu, 28 Aug 2008 11:47:43 +0300
Tuomo Soini <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> Tomasz Kojm wrote:
> | Most likely your distribution is not truly 64-bit, otherwise
> /usr/lib64 would
> | be a symlink to /usr/lib
> That's not true. All fedora based distros have /usr/lib64 for 64-bit
> libraries and /usr/lib for 32-bit libraries. That's needed for binary
> compatibility with 32-bit apps.

That's debatable. To me OS which uses 32-bit /usr/lib is not truly 64-bit.

   oo    .....         Tomasz Kojm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  (\/)\.........         http://www.ClamAV.net/gpg/tkojm.gpg
     \..........._         0DCA5A08407D5288279DB43454822DC8985A444B
       //\   /\              Thu Aug 28 10:56:46 CEST 2008
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