> > I'm running ClamAV from the FreeBSD 4.8 clamav-devel port (ClamAV version
> > 'clamd / ClamAV version devel-20040129', clamav-milter version '0.66g'), and
> > these are the switches I pass to clamav-milter:
> >
> > --quiet --quarantine-dir=/mail/quarantine/clamav --local --outgoing
> > --max-children=50 /var/run/clamav/clmilter.sock
> >
> I don't know milter but I suspect that you may misunderstand what
> "550 REJECT messages" are.
> These are not email messages which are _sent_ to anyone.
> These are responses given by a SMTP server to a SMTP client which (the
> client) is trying to submit some email message to the SMTP server.
> These are simply refusals of accepting an email message, not sendings
> some messages to some email addresses.

with sendmail, when you configure your milter, you can set it so that
1) if the milter fails, the message is accepted anyway
        this is "REJECT"
2) if the milter fails, the sending server is told to try again later
        this is "TEMPFAIL"
3) if the milter fails, the message is delivered anyway, even though it
didn't go through the milter.

you configure this in your sendmail.mc, using the "F" parameter.
(F=R or F=T or nothing)

you need to figure out why the milter fails (have you looked at the
maillog ?)

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