I found the problem.  My softlimit was too low.  Raised it to 20 MB and it's fine.

On Fri, Jan 30, 2004 at 01:25:20PM -0500, Jeremy Doolin saith:
> I'm running qmail-scanner 1.20 and clamav 0.65.  In watching the qmail-scanner logs, 
> I've found that clamscan is, indeed, being called with the proper arguments.  I've 
> even added some debug messages to qmail-scanner-queue.pl and found that all of the 
> arguments are fine.  
> But here is the section of code where things go awry:
> $DD=`$clamscan_binary $clamscan_options $ENV{'TMPDIR'} 2>&1`;
> $clamscan_status=($? >> 8);
> &debug("--output of clamscan was:\n$DD--");
> And here is the log output of a mail that was infected with SCO.A:
> Fri, 30 Jan 2004 13:09:12 -0500:8991: run /usr/local/bin/clamscan -r 
> --disable-summary --mbox --max-recursion=10 --max-space=1000000  
> /var/spool/qmailscan/tmp/hotname.net10754861524628991 2>&1
> Fri, 30 Jan 2004 13:09:12 -0500:8991: !!--output of clamscan was:
> --
> So the $DD variable is getting assigned to nothing.  Now, there should be output 
> whether there is a virus or not.  The binary is in the proper location and some of 
> my own debug messages have verified the $clamscan_options and $ENV{'TMPDIR'}.  I 
> have also run my own scans on infected mails, using the same directory format that 
> qmail-scanner uses (I just quickly copied one while it was being scanned).  I've 
> done it on the command line and using the same perl syntax.  My results differ.  I 
> am getting clamscan's output just fine, as well as the proper exit status of 1.
> Has anyone else had this issue?  Any ideas? Could it be a perl problem (running perl 
> 5.8.0)?
> I'd appreciate any help with this.
> Jeremy Doolin
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