Tim Crouch wrote:

    I am the Technology Director for a small, independent news organization.  We are running 
qmail for our internal email and for some of our subcsribers (<30 accts.).  With the recent 
rash of viruses, we see the need to run AV & Spam filters.  My sys admin and I, while *nix 
savvy, are not qmail experts.  I am looking for someone with significant qmail+clam+sa experience 
to assisst us in configuring our email server.  This would be a contract job with no need for 
future support (assuming adequate documentation of changes is provided).  If anyone in this list 
is qualified & interested, please contact me.

Tim Crouch
Director of Technology
t r u t h o u t


We specialize in doing just that. A normal installation should take under 30 minutes to complete assuming qmail is already installed and running correctly. You may visit our website at http://www.limelyte.net for prices and contact information.

Contact with previous clients can be provided as well, we have many satisfied customers.


Rick Macdougall

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