Jason Haar wrote:

On Tue, Sep 14, 2004 at 08:38:57AM +0100, Trog wrote:

A few people (out of the thousands who run ClamAV) have reported "memory
leaks" in stable versions of clamd.

However, none of those people have submitted a report from a memory
debugging tool to show where the leak occurs on their systems, despite
being asked to by the development team. None of the development team
have seen such a leak.

I tried to help out with valgrind as you suggested - but within 10 mins it
took 1.5Gb of RAM on my workstation (I wasn't going to put it up on
production now was I? :-) and - well - I turned it off. I really don't have
the equipment to handle running 1.5Gb debugging processes...

One of the downsides of valgrind - it doesn't free any memory at runtime (to check for double-free()s). I've not seen tools where one can switch this off yet (but I've only used valgrind on Linux and purify on Solaris machines).

Until one of the people complaining produces a useful report, nothing
can be done. It is just as likely a leak in a system library than in

Could be: but I've seen it on Rh8 and Fedora-Core2 - quite different Linux
systems as far as libraries/etc go.
From the different posts here I bet there are library issues in BSD, as that OS is number one when it comes to leakage complains. I don't know current Solaris releases, but Sol7 actually was a PITA.
With Linux being my development platform, I see no runtime leaks there.

I hope someone else can help out - there is a problem that needs solving there.

All of the team members are aware of that. But as trog already wrote: Until someone comes up with either a mail that triggers the leak or some mem debugger's output, we're stuck.

Running valgrind on a production server is a no-no, as you already observed.

For quite a while (6 weeks) I collected each and every mail on one of my MXes. I checked them "offline" for leaks using a shell wrapper, which checked clams memory usage between each feeded mail, but found really nothing.
I'll start that grabber again once I upgraded disk space on another MX here.


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