On Fri, 2004-09-17 at 16:21, Daniel Lord wrote:
> Those signatures don't catch the poc xploit found at
> http://www.gulftech.org/?node=downloads. But maybe it's better to
> leave this alone till there are real worms etc. to produce good
> signatures. At the moment clamav sigs don't seem good enought to
> catch this. (No support for absolute offsets)

Yes, looking at the file there is more than one comment section, and it
is the second that uses the exploit.  It stands to reason that since
there is some flexibility in the file format that a signature that
doesn't account for that flexibility (by looking for the comment in a
certain offset eg) could be easily avoided by the exploit writers.  I
wouldn't rely of finding very much at all, only the ffd8 at the start of
the file and the ffe0 000[01] exploit  (the poc doesn't even have the
APP0 marker until some way in).  Clearly without the ability to anchor
the ffd8 to the start of the file a useful signature is impossible.

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