D Walsh wrote:
While I am very happy with clamav, I see room for expansion and potential in a limited global environment.

Is it possible to have clamd on other servers utilize the db files on a dedicated server in a local network?

I think that it makes sense to have the ability to use a single instance of freshclamd to update the db files while different servers on the local network can utilize them.

It may take a simple daemon to establish a port for communication purposes and an option in the config to set the IP and an option to enable/disable this feature (default is disabled)

Communication can be robust yet simple in implementation, 2 digit codes for communication and status and a simple md5 checksum on the transfered db files.

-- Dale

That sounds like a SPOF opportunity. Just download the updates to each machine, or to a single distribution machine for updating the rest.

I solved the problem this way:

Five sendmail servers
One active milter (J-Chkmail for spam and behavior monitoring) running a local instance of ClamAV
Round-robin MX records for load sharing

All the servers make a tcpip connection to that milter. The configuration is replicated to all servers - any or all can accept the role of mail filtering should the primary drop dead, rsync keeps the five systems at the same code/spam pattern level (except for the CVD file updates that are retrieved by freshclam).

Very redundant and watchdog scripts handle any failover requirements. All systems are dual proc disk rich systems (Ultra 2/E-250 Sparc) and all are loafing most of the time. They handle about 300 meg/day total, lots of room for growth.



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