
> http://assp.sourceforge.net/:
> 8. Basic anti-virus filtering using the ClamAV virus databases.
> They should use libclamav. Currently that software will miss most of the
new malware. If you are with contact with them please ask them to remove the
above point from their main site as this is a false sense of security.

FYI from their message board:

> I wonder if it is at all possible to use libclamav with ASSP? If so, it
would definately eliminate the need of running a amavisd/clamav combination
along with ASSP. 

By: Robert Orso - rorso  RE: ClamAV 0.80   2004-10-19 22:49  

It is possible. We currently have several external tools incorporated into
the ASSP functionality.  
Ihe idea of the "inline" AV scanning is quite clever as the data is compared
against a reduced virus database just as it streams in. Using an external
scanning engine requires that the message first has to be received in full
and then it is checked against a bigger database that looks for enemies that
do not arrive per mail too - takes more time. 
The ClamAV community is very active. It would benefit ASSP to rely on their
good work and just "use" whatever they will breed in the future without
concerning the internals. 
To fully restore AV capabilities in ASSP again, we most likely will change
the processing to "external scan" than adapting to the new database within
ASSP core.


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