On Mon, Jan 31, 2005 at 10:14:29AM +0800, imacat said:
> This "negative PID" won't work for
> kvm_getprocs().
>     What is suggested here?  Stop using the PID file now?  Stop using
> start-stop-daemon?  Modify the source, recompile and make my own copy of
> start-stop-daemon so that it send a positive PID to kvm_getprocs()?
> Modify the source, recompile and make my own copy of clamav-milter.c so
> that it saves a positive PID?  Using my current hack to turn the PID
> positive after it is made?

Take a look at the sed line in the clamav-milter init script that comes
with the debian package - it first gets the correct pid before doing
anything with it (in fact, I later do send kill -SIGNAL -PID)

>     I'm open to the answer.  But if you are asking me, I would say that
> whether to kill the process "positive or negative" is beyond the scope
> of the daemon itself.  The daemon should leave a correct and useful PID
> and let the user and the daemon controller decide how to use it.  It
> would be nice if you would like to "strongly suggest" that to the user
> and the init script maintainer.  But it should not be forced.

The debian init script has been sending the kill signal to the whole
process group for some time, and now it checks if the pid is negative
first.  If htere is a problem with the package supplied init script, let
me know, and I'll merge patches or otherwise try to work on it.  I do
agree that writing a negative pdi file seems wrong, however.
|  Stephen Gran                  | When you go out to buy, don't show your |
|  [EMAIL PROTECTED]             | silver.                                 |
|  http://www.lobefin.net/~steve |                                         |

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