On Sun, 30 Jan 2005 22:35:47 -0500
Stephen Gran <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The debian init script has been sending the kill signal to the whole
> process group for some time, and now it checks if the pid is negative
> first.  If htere is a problem with the package supplied init script, let
> me know, and I'll merge patches or otherwise try to work on it.  I do

    Than you for your hint, though I cannot access
http://people.debian.org/~sgran/debian now.  (people.debian.org and
packages.debian.org are down?)

    I wrote my own init script (personal taste, something like
Linux-from-scratch).  Currently I'm doing

      echo $((0-$(<$PIDFILE))) > $PIDFILE

    after the clamav-milter is started, since a positive PID file is
more useful.  I can use it to check if the daemon is still running,
maybe communicate with it, doing this and that, bla bla bla.  From what
you said you made a similar approach, too.  Then I don't see the use of
a "negative PID".  (Maybe it's for Red Hat descendants?)

> agree that writing a negative pdi file seems wrong, however.

    If that is the case, could somebody forward this discussion thread
to the maintainer of ClamAV?  I would really like to hear the idea
behind this change ("negative PID").  Or maybe we can change it back

Best regards,
imacat ^_*' <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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