Damian Menscher said:
> On Sat, 14 May 2005, Mark wrote:
>>> Damian Menscher wrote:
>>> Obviously I always choose the F= option so my mailservers
>>> will continue to work in the event of a milter failure.
>> That is your prerogative. I, on the other hand, would never configure
>> sendmail in that fashion. Clamav-scans are a critical part of mail
>> delivery. I would never allow mail to be delivered when the virus
>> scanner
>> is down, and would indeed TempFail delivery until I restarted the daemon
>> (via a watchdog script).
> My situation is somewhat unique in that I have intelligent users and
> very few windows machines.  So viruses are more of an annoyance than a
> threat.  But let's ignore that for now....
> Both of us run watchdog scripts (I run clmilter_watch every 15 minutes)
> so, at worst, clamav-milter will be down for 15 minutes.  In your case,
> all mail delivery will stop, and I think outgoing mail will also be
> broken.  So, not only will your mailserver be down, but your users won't
> be able to contact you to let you know it's down.  Of course, a
> 15-minute downtime might be acceptable to you.

Use a startup script like this (crude) example and you wait only a few

#! /bin/sh
# Start daemon, restart if it dies, send notification to syslog

start_clamav_milter ()
  /usr/bin/clamav_milter [args]

# main
While :; do
  sleep 5
  logger -t clamav -p local5.crit "Damn milter quit again"

You can also run cron with * * * * * watchdog.sh ... and wait a minute at
most. In either method you need to keep an eye on the logs and procs
remotely but that's what Big Brother or Big Sister is for.


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