Timothy Omer said:

> Thank you all for your help, MAILTO does seem to work. I will try the
> suggestion above as I can add my own subject.
> Not sure what 2>&1 does, is there any way I can create an error to test
> this? (Obviously I can not disconnect the internet to create an update
> error, as I would not receive the email :-) )

&1 is a symbolic reference to stdout which is the console or current term.
Stderr is "2" so this directs all stderr to the same place as stdout. This
is piped to mail. A description should be found in man sh.

The need for doing this is to capture the stderr output of freshclam to a
pipe to mail otherwise it is sent to the crontab owner by default.

You could try a trivial example by creating a cron job that will fail.
This can be done by requesting execution of a process that doesn't exist.

* * * * * /tmp/junk 2>$1 |/usr/bin/mail -s "this is a test" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

If you were to do this professionally you should include the full path to
mail as well as your executable. It's a security thing and failure to do
so it seen as a rookie mistake.  Otherwise it will find the first example
of either somewhere in the system path. It can be real embarrasing when 
somebody has created a script that contains "echo > /etc/passwd" in it and
your cron process finds it because you've not used a fully qualified path.

Suggestions like this seem to cause big sig guy to rant about arrogance -
just ignore him.


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