Damian Menscher wrote:
> On Thu, 23 Jun 2005, Ed Stover wrote:
>> I just upgraded a way old, working clam installation but now it doesnt
>> work ;(
>> Clam is marking dirty files as clean and forwarding them to accounts.
>> any ideas for what to look at would be greatly appreciated.
> Just a thought, but maybe freshclam isn't running, or isn't updating the
> signatures in the same directory that clamav-milter is looking for them
> in?
Actually fresh clam is running, I snipped it from the post because I
didnt think that it was relivant. Fresh clam is running as a daemon and
updating several times daily, and I have ran it by hand to ensure the
sigs are up todate.
>  Are you catching any viruses at all?  For example, can you catch an
> eicar? 

Not that I can see, I was sending my self the test sigs that come with
clamav but all were stamped clean by clamav. ... wierd huh?
> It might help to use clmilter_watch to test.
> Damian Menscher


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