I hate to crosspost, but since it appears no one reads the Win32 list, I switched my subscription to the main users list.

I've got ClamAV working and that is all good and fine. However, I looked in the archives of the clamav-users list and saw that still as of June 2005, ClamAV is completely uninterested in at least detecting spyware.

I have a problem with that.  Here is how I define a virus:

- A digital invasion of unwanted and undesired bits in a computer system designed to infiltrate and change the state in the system in a negative manner.

Here is how I define spyware:

- A digital invasion of unwanted and undesired bits in a computer system designed to infiltrate and change the psychological state of the user in a negative manner.

Frankly, I could care less if you don't remove spyware from a system with ClamAV. What I need is a _reputable_ scanner that works from the command line to _detect_ if a system contains spyware. Since ClamAV isn't apparently going to be that tool and Google isn't turning up a reputable command-line anti-spyware solution with sufficient options, I would appreciate a pointer to a tool that does this.

All I need is to have the tool tell me:

- Yes there is spyware on the system.
- No there isn't spyware on the system.

I don't need it to disinfect/remove/whatever - simply recognize that there is spyware, what file contains it, and display a notification as such on stdout.

Seems to me that this is something simple that ClamAV could easily implement in a very short amount of time. For those who don't want to scan for spyware, include a command-line switch to "turn off scanning for psychological manipulators (spyware, pranks, etc.)". However, since ClamAV is uninterested in doing anything even remotely simple like this, I need someone to point out a _reputable_ tool that is better than ClamAV that does psychological manipulator scanning from the command-line - preferably open source, but since nothing is turning up on SourceForge or Google, I'll be impressed if someone finds anything.

Thomas Hruska


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