Daniel T. Staal wrote:
On Wed, May 17, 2006 12:12 pm, Jim Maul said:

  If you are on a mail list such as this, think longer
and harder than usual. Then don't do it.
Right.  That seems like an acceptable solution.  Hell, why even have
autoresponders at all then?

I figure autoresponders are relics of the way email worked in the 80's. Back before spam, and email viri, and big mailing lists, and
web-accessible email.

These days, being out of the office, or town, or country, is no reason for
you to not be able to get your email, if you felt you needed to.  So, the
only reason you aren't responding is that you don't want to.

Yes, i certainly dont want to check my work email when i am on vacation. Apparently you feel otherwise.

The fact that some email packages still have autoresponders is a
misfeature, in my eyes.

Perhaps we should eliminate answering machines then too? I mean hell, if they dont answer the phone, they must not be home.

Luckily, my spam filter catches them.  That's all they are, anyway.  More

Spam is unsolicited. If you send a message to a mailing list and dont expect a reply, why even bother sending your message?


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