Hi Peter,

You are not the only one facing this problem. I am facing this problem
eversince i upgraded to clamav 0.88.7 I did not face this problem in
previous versions. But a search on the web shows references to this
problem even in older versions. I even consulted a mailscanner expert
and he feels this is definitely a bug and that he can't help.

I am using Mailscanner with clamavmodule. So i tried changing the
"ClamAVmodule Maximum Compression Ratio = 0" in mailscanner.conf but
still it doesn't work. Each and every zip file is getting flagged as
oversized.zip. I switched to clamav instead of clamavmodule and that
seems to solved the problem for now. But clamscan is taking up of lot
of system resources and is not efficient as clamavmodule. So now where
lies the problem - in clamav or in clamavmodule. There is also another
confirmed bug in Mail::ClamAV module. The Mail::ClamAV perl module
(v0.17) will not compile with ClamAV v0.90RC and will therefore break

Hope our voice is heard by the developers.


On Friday December 15, 2006 at 07:31:52 (AM) Péter Simon wrote:
> Simon Péter írta:
> > Hi List,
> >
> > Yesterday I updated on my server from clamav 0.88.6 to clamav 0.88.7.
> > In daytime ClamAV detected a lot of Oversized.Zip from our partners. It
> > was a little bit starnge because they're sending mails as usually
> > earlier. Ok. At first try I changed ArchiveMaxCompressionRatio upto
> > 1000. It didn't helped. Oversized.Zip virus detection still worked.
> > I made a simply zip archive with zip's default settings. (Zip 2.32
> > (June 19th 2006)) and sent to an address to the server. Unfortunetly
> > Oversized.Zip still signed.
> > I downgraded to clamav 0.88.6.
> > The problem resolved. So I think maybe it's a bug of clamav 0.88.7.
> >
> > Have a nice day: Peter
> Seems like is this trouble only my problem?
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