On Saturday March 31, 2007 at 12:25:49 (PM) Bit Fuzzy wrote:

> I'm hoping somebody can shed some light on what we're seeing.
> We've been using ClamAV since version: 85.1 and have had nothing but 
> good things to say about it.
> That is until we updated to version 90.1
> Since the update any and all messages containing infected attachments 
> including the provided test files pass through undetected.
> Running "clamscan -r -l scan.txt clamav-0.90.1" manually works fine.
> The issue seems to be limited to mail scanning
> We scan messages through procmail and trashscan

Personally, I hate procmail. Do you have the option of using either
your MTA or some other LDA? Then I would recommend something like
'mailscanner' <http://www.mailscanner.info/>  with perhaps 'amavised-new'
<http://www.ijs.si/software/amavisd/> to handle virus checking.

As a side-bar, folding the LDA/POP/IMAP functions all into one
application (Dovecot <http://www.dovecot.org/>) reduces system load and
greatly improves performance.

Works just fine on my FreeBSD-6.2 / Postfix / Dovecot / Mailscanner

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