Oops, sorry, I meant to send this to Steve off-list...  :-\

Bill Landry wrote the following on 5/5/2007 10:43 AM -0800:
> Steve Basford wrote the following on 5/5/2007 10:05 AM -0800:
>> Due to me nearly running out of bandwidth last month (17gb out of a 20gb
>> host package), some urgent changes were needed to the signature hosting,
>> otherwise I'd start getting charged for the extra bandwidth :(
> [...]
>> The new download Links have been updated on the download page and so
>> have the scripts:
>> http://sanesecurity.co.uk/clamav/downloads.htm
>> http://sanesecurity.co.uk/clamav/usage.htm
> Steve, I feed URI to URIBL on a daily basis, and it never ceases to
> amaze me how quickly you detect new phish e-mails.  I rarely have to
> redirect a phish to you for addition.  Anyway, I had posted the attached
> updated script to the ClamAV Users list back in early March, and several
> people are now using it.  It includes the usage of rsync for updating
> the MSRBL signature files (and points to mirrors.dotsrc.org for the
> SaneSecurity downloads).  Just thought you might want to update the
> script on your usage site (up to you...).
> Thanks, and keep up the great work!
> Bill
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