At 12:59 PM 7/12/2007, John Rudd wrote:

>  From past discussion on this list, it was discussed "how easy" it would
>be to throw together a script to check validity before putting a message
>into production.  But I don't recall anyone ever actually offering up
>their script.   Earlier today, someone had posted something to the
>SpamAssassin list that showed they weren't properly handling downloaded
>signature databases, and it just so happens that I just got around to
>writing such a script the other day.

You must not be following the list very closely.  Such scripts have 
been posted frequently and several good ones are available from

Also, if you check the Sanesecurity usage page, you will note 
"download signatures only when there have been changes", which your 
script seems to ignore.   Use the wget -N option.

Also, it looks as if you are removing your tmp files every time the 
script runs.  This causes rsync to download the whole file rather 
than checking for changes, and makes it impossible for wget -N to work.

Your script still needs some work.

Noel Jones 

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