At 02:02 PM 7/12/2007, John Rudd wrote:
> > Such scripts have
> > been posted frequently and several good ones are available from
> >
>I saw the supporting material on sanesecurity's downloads page, but it
>looked like it was almost all windows oriented (ie. useless to me).

There are 5 scripts on the page, only the last one is labeled as a 
windows script.

>Plus, I want one thing that I can apply to all 3rd parties, and I
>(perhaps incorrectly) assumed sanesecurity's stuff would be oriented
>just around their own stuff.

All those scripts are clearly labeled as working with MSRBL.

>Yes, I am/was aware that I'm undermining rsync's bandwidth savings.  I
>just hadn't figured out the best way to address that.  I don't think
>that leaving it in /tmp/{something} works well for that.  I had been
>thinking about doing the scratch space in
>/usr/local/share/{something}/tmp, but wasn't sure if that would be
>standard enough.

Consensus seems to be that /var/tmp/clamdb or similar is an 
appropriate place to hold the scratch/work files.

checking for updates every hour is wasteful, every 4 hours is more reasonable.

Here's a perl "one-liner" you might want to integrate in your script 
- it signals clamd to reload the database.  Only run this if one of 
the databases has changed.

# perl -MIO::Socket::UNIX -we 'my $s = IO::Socket::UNIX->new (shift); 
$s->print("RELOAD"); print $s->getline; $s->close' /var/run/clamav/clamd.socket

Noel Jones 

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