> There are scripts on line you can download that will split your single file 
> into
> individual files - each a complete message. These you scan one at a time. 
> After
> you've found and dealt with the infected message(s) you reassemble the 
> individual
> files into a single file again.
> Start here: http://batleth.sapienti-sat.org/projects/mb2md/

Wow.  This seems like such an unnecessary and time consuming hassle (to me, it 
seems ClamScan
should be able to tell you what message tested positive as it does detect email 
files and the
individual messages within).  I was really hoping when I first got the hit that 
the "verbose"
option would give me some information; but the output was actually no more 

http://www.clamav.org/support/faq/ (the 8th item in Miscellaneous) says:

"When using clamscan, is there a way to know which message within an mbox is 
    * There are two solutions: Run clamscan --debug, look for Deal with email 
number xxx ..."

But with over 1600 "Deal with email number xxx" this is impractical unless 
someone can tell me how
ClamScan flags the hits.  The string "Email.FreeGame" (the hit) appears in the 
debug output
*after* all the individual messages are scanned on the line "LibClamAV debug: 
Email.FreeGame found
in descriptor 3."

I don't mean to rant (much).  I do realize we are dealing with the current 
limitations of the
scanner and how to work with them.  But I really think there should be a push 
to have the scanner
spit out more useful information.

Thanks for the suggestions.  I'm going to look at the source code and see if I 
can get it to keep
track of line numbers for text files and also when --debug is used to spit out 
the name (e.g.
"Email.FreeGame," etc) within the confines of the "Deal with email number xxx."

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