Török Edwin wrote:
> Roberto Ullfig wrote:
>> This won't work for us. This creates a usr hierarchy starting under DESTDIR.
>> The installation needs to go into directories like this:
>> /mnt/aaa/bbb/local/ccc/ddd/bin
>> /mnt/aaa/bbb/local/ccc/ddd/lib
> Is that the final destination? If yes you can use ./configure
> --prefix=/mnt/aaa/bbb/local/ccc/ddd
> Best regards,
> --Edwin
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Well, it's the final destination for the repository but not for the 
actual installations (/usr/local). I suppose I'll need to compile it 
twice then, once for each location even though it never gets run from 
the repository.

Roberto Ullfig - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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