> Mishustin Alexey wrote:
>> Hello,
>> what's about my question? (I wrote 23 March)
>> After the full system scan I've got console reports as follows:
>> LibClamAV Warning: cli_utf16toascii: length < 2
>> What does it mean? Is this a bug? How to fix the problem?
> I am no expert but if I had to guess I would say it means you scanned
> a file that was utf16 and also less then 2 bytes.  I don't think this
> is a bug but just a special case when the length of a utf16 file to
> be converted to ascii is less than 2 bytes.  This looks to avoid
> unnecessary code execution further in the function.  I am not sure of
> the reason to throw a warning message though.  I would ignore it.

The message has already been degraded to debug message, don't worry
about it:


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