> Charles Gregory wrote:
>> On Fri, 8 Aug 2008 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>>>> telnet isps-server 25 ... HELO bogus ... MAIL FROM:<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>>> telnet victims-server 25 ... HELO isps-server ... MAIL FROM....
>>>> If victim's SMTP server fails the DATA with a 5xx code, then
>>>> backscatter goes [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>> .... it is not my problem what the ISP's mail server
>>> does with it after I send a 5xx.
>> Well, first of all, yes it IS. It's *everyone's* problem. That forged
>> address could be on *your* server, and *you* get the backscatter from some
>> other victim system that also "doesn't care what the ISP does with it"...
>> That being said, I agree that the number of viruses that still try to find
>> and use an infected PC's SMTP server is very small... In which case the
>> odds of hitting a false positive via a mail relay are greater than hitting
>> a virus via a mail relay. Now that you make me think about it, the only
>> time I ever see backscatter from a virus is when someone uses a virus
>> checker that generates its own DSN rather than issue SMTP 5xx rejections.
>> I am so *very* glad that ClamAV is just a *reporting* tool! :)
>>> If anything it encourages the ISP to virus filter their users and take
>>> care of abuse problems rather then silently sweeping them under the
>>> rug.
>> Begging pardon, but just because someone uses a standard postfix config
>> and follows the standard 'recommended' practice of listing dial-up IP's as
>> 'trusted clients' does not mean they are 'sweeping' anything under their
>> 'rug'. It is just a choice made to minimize the performance hit of
>> scanning and filtering mail that is 99.99+% valid.
>> BUT this practice of not scanning mail from trusted clients is only
>> 'safe' if virus checking is done post-SMTP, in procmail. Otherwise, there
>> is the risk that mail from one user of a system to another will not be
>> virus checked at *all*, permitting the spread of viruses within a given
>> user base. 
>> So my closing thought is that I will want to do two things with my new
>> "Mail Avenger" setup:
>>   1) I will want to run clamav on *all* messages, regardless of source.
>>      This will prevent intra-system viruses and also cut down on
>>      backscatter by preventing my server from relaying an outgoing virus.
>>   2) I will want to check in procmail to see whether an intra-system 
>>      message passed through my SMTP or was directly delivered via LDA, and
>>      in the latter case I will need to run clamav from procmail.
>> So thank you all, for stirring up some good serious thoughts!
>> - Charles, HWCN

Doh, sorry about this.  To many windows open at the same time...

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