I can't believe I got not a single response to this, so I'm trying again:

I'm running clamd with MIMEDefang on a CentOS machine. Once in a while there 
will be a day when there are many "Problem running virus scanner: code=999" 
errors, anywhere from 1 or 2 (who cares?) to 4486 (now I'm concerned...), like 
yesterday. The next
day, all will be back to normal until it happens again. Here is a maillog entry:

Dec  1 00:03:15 fdr mimedefang.pl[4798]: mB153Ere005745: Could not connect to 
clamd daemon at /var/spool/MIMEDefang/clamd.sock
Dec  1 00:03:15 fdr mimedefang.pl[4798]: Problem running virus scanner: 
code=999, category=cannot-execute, action=tempfail
Dec  1 00:03:15 fdr mimedefang.pl[4798]: filter: mB153Ere005745:  tempfail=1
Dec  1 00:03:15 fdr mimedefang[4793]: mB153Ere005745: Tempfailing because 
filter instructed us to
Dec  1 00:03:15 fdr sm-mta[5745]: mB153Ere005745: Milter: data, reject=451 
4.3.0 Problem running virus-scanner

I found this entry in the clamd.log:
Mon Dec  1 11:02:11 2008 -> ERROR: LOCAL: Socket file 
/var/spool/MIMEDefang/clamd.sock is in use by another process.

Occurrences of the first error seem to be vaguely accompanied by the second, 
but I have seen the second when restarting clamd manually, and I have a script 
that restarts clamd when it sees virus scanner errors in the maillog, so that 
may explain the
relationship. If that is a separate problem, I'd like to solve it also, but the 
tempfails are more of a concern at the moment.

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