Steve Holdoway wrote:
> Hi Listers,
> I'm having reliability problems with 0.94.2, and, as I run on a fairly 
> memory-limited server, suspect that this is the core of the problem. 
> Following on from anothe suggestion, I downloaded and built up the current 
> svn snapshot to see if there was any improvement.
> I run debian linux, and start clamav-milter as follows:
> /usr/local/sbin/clamav-milter --local --sendmail-cf=/etc/mail/ 
> --outgoing --sign --timeout 0 
> --max-children 15 
> unix:/var/run/clamav/clmilter.sock

Hi Steve,
The milter in SVN is slightly changed and it won't take those command
line options any more.
At the moment the manpage hasn't been updated yet. But the example
clamav-milter.conf is well commented.

for more details.


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