Steve Holdoway wrote:
Thanks for the suggestions. I've written a /usr/local/etc/clamav-milter.conf, 
which seems to be parsed ok, and am now starting clamav-milter with no 
parameters. I get the error

ERROR: Failed to initiate streaming/fdpassing

and the sender is being sent a tempfail. Where should I be looking to fix this? Do I need to be running clamd as well,
I'm pretty sure that a dev said the new version of the milter (the SVN one) requires clamd to be running. The reason for this was that the having the old milter had a lot of duplicate code from clamd and was outdated.
and should this be using a separate socket to that used for sendmail??
Um, if I understand you correctly, yes. clamav-milter wants to talk to clamd using a socket of some type. If clamd is running locally, then it'll be a named socket rather than a TCP socket. This socket would be different than the milter socket that sendmail uses to talk to the clamav-milter.


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